How to Minimise Your Environmental Footprint While Travelling? Ways and ideas to be more eco-friendly
Published by Ama Wijerathne,
There’s a lot happening in the world, but climate change continues to be one of the most discussed and anxiety-inducing topics. With the glaciers in the North Pole melting, the temperatures rising, corals dying, and some species facing extinction, it’s time everyone did their bit to bring climate change to a stop. This doesn’t mean you have to stop living; it only means you need to rethink your lifestyle. If you’re a traveller, this is how you can minimise your environmental footprint while travelling.

Environmental Footprint - Image via Flickr
Travel Light
Did you know that the amount of fuel a plane needs in some ways depends on the weight it carries? This means more weight leads to more energy. As a traveller and a human responsible for saving the planet for future generations, you have a responsibility to do whatever it takes to help reduce fuel consumption. You can do this by packing light. You might not need everything you currently have in your luggage. Do you need that extra pair of slippers? What about that heavy jacket you packed just in case? Surely, you could live without it, couldn’t you? It’s time to reevaluate your packing list.
Pack multipurpose clothing. About all the shampoos and lotions you have packed, you might not need them because most hotels provide complimentary shampoo, soap, lotions, and the like.
Choose an Eco-Friendly Hotel
When looking for serviced accommodation & hotels, you need to ask yourself one question: are they eco-friendly? It doesn’t mean a hotel with a slapdash green label; find out if they’re serious about green living. This shouldn’t be too difficult as you have world-class brands like DiscoverASR, offering a wide selection of contemporary apartments.
Choosing the right accommodation provider not only makes your vacation memorable but also helps you reduce your environmental footprint.
Reduce Paper Waste
With tech at hand, the need for paper has become virtually redundant. You have your phone and laptop; you no longer need to carry bits of paper around. Most airlines offer online booking facilities with e-tickets. Just log into your email, whip out that e-ticket, and you’re all good!
What’s more, most hotels now have gone fully digital too. They offer digital keycards, and online booking facilities, which are now commonplace.
Participate in Environmentally Friendly Facilities
Passively participating in environmental initiatives is a good thing, but what if you can be an active participant? Here’s some good news: you can! Most travel destinations and resorts therein offer plenty of green initiatives for travellers to participate in.
Nature trips are a great way to support conservation – there are nature reserves that focus on conservation, and by visiting them, you’re helping them. Another thing you can do is take a culture trip. It’s about exploring a destination’s culture by visiting local villages and the like – this kind of activity helps local communities.
Hiking, kayaking, and riding are some of the most popular and fun activities that don’t require fuel of any kind, save for your own physical strength. Also, if you’re visiting a place with local markets, take the time to visit them and make purchases from local vendors.
Say Not to Plastics!
Granted, you can’t completely be rid of plastics – the world is not there yet. But what you can do is say no to single-use plastics. Why would you need those plastic and paper cups when you have glass? You don’t need plastic bottles either; they’re not good for the environment, nor are they the best choice for your health. So, make a conscious decision to NOT purchase single-use plastics.
As for the sort of materials you can use, there’s a lot. Glass is one, of course, but besides glass, you have straw, clay, and cloth. For instance, instead of your plastic toothbrush, you could buy a bamboo toothbrush. Also, instead of plastic bags, you could use cloth bags.